Sussan Ley
Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Minister for Women, Shadow Minister for Industry, Skills and Training, Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business, Member for Farrer
Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Minister for Women, Shadow Minister for Industry, Skills and Training, Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business, Member for Farrer
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Shadow Attorney-General, Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Senator for Western Australia
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care, Shadow Minister for Sport, Senator for South Australia
Candidate for Cowan
Candidate for Monash
Candidate for Chisholm
Member for McPherson
Member for Bass
Senator for Tasmania
Candidate for Solomon
Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education, Shadow Minister for Youth, Member for Moncrieff
Senator for South Australia
Candidate for Lyons
Shadow Minister for Government Services and the Digital Economy, Shadow Minister for Science and the Arts, Senator for Tasmania
Candidate for Hawke
Candidate for Clark
Candidate for Barton
Candidate for Boothby
Candidate for Ryan
Candidate for Adelaide
Candidate for Kooyong
Shadow Minister for Education, Senator for Victoria
Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Shadow Assistant Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Senator for New South Wales
Shadow Minister for the Public Service, Shadow Minister for Finance, Shadow Special Minister of State, Senator for Victoria
Candidate for Melbourne
Candidate for Bradfield
Candidate for Wentworth
Senator for NSW
Shadow Assistant Minister for Manufacturing, Member for Capricornia
Shadow Minister for Child Protection and the Prevention of Family Violence, Shadow Minister for Indigenous Health Services, Senator for South Australia
Member for Forrest
Shadow Minister for Resources, Shadow Minister for Northern Australia, Senator for Queensland
Shadow Minister for Communications, Shadow Minister for Western Sydney, Member for Lindsay
Member for Flinders
Candidate for Brand
Candidate for Parramatta
Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians, Shadow Minister for Government Efficiency, CLP Senator for NT
Candidate for Isaacs
Candidate for Perth
Member for Durack
Senator for Western Australia
Candidate for Warringah
Candidate for Holt
Candidate for Eden-Monaro
Candidate for Greenway
Member for Hughes
Candidate for Lilley
Candidate for Robertson
Candidate for Makin
Women are unquestionably destined to exercise more and more influence upon practical politics in Australia…In the educating of the electorate in liberal ideas they have for many years been an effective force. Now we have an organisation in which all distinctions have gone, and with men and women working equally for the one body
Robert Menzies
Albury Conference, 1944
The Federal Women’s Committee (FWC) was established at the inaugural meeting of the Liberal Party Federal Council in August 1945. The FWC was incorporated in the Party Constitution as an official component of the Party in October 1946, and has had representation on the Party’s Federal Executive since that time.
The voting membership of the FWC comprises the Chairman of each State and ACT women’s section, the female Federal Vice-President of the Party and the President and Immediate Past President of the FWC. Observer members include the Party’s Federal President, Immediate Past President and the Federal Minister for Women.
Each State and Territory Division of the Liberal Party has a women’s section, with constituted powers and representation at senior Party levels. The sections have been influential over the years and instrumental in the development of many of the Party’s major initiatives for women at Federal, State and Territory levels.
As the peak body representing women in the Liberal Party, the FWC has been active in promoting women for elected office, advocating policy, advising on a wide range of issues, assisting in election campaigns and performing a vital role in the enduring success of the Liberal Party. Much of the FWC’s efforts are unsung but they are crucial to the development of a truly representative nationwide party organisation.
As Sir Robert Menzies led Australian politics into a new era, the Liberal Party introduced a number of policies that continue to influence the lives of Australian women today.
Among the achievements of the Menzies Government between 1949 and 1966 were policies on child endowment and a national health scheme. In the Holt, Gorton and McMahon Governments between 1966 and 1972, the Liberal Party introduced policies protecting deserted wives and introduced equal pay legislation.
Between 1975 and 1983, the Fraser Government introduced a family income supplement scheme to help lower income families and signed the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. This later led to the establishment of the Sex Discrimination Office.
From 1996 to 2007, the Howard Government significantly increased opportunities for women by creating an additional 2.3 million jobs, more than half of which (almost 1.2 million jobs) were filled by women.
The Howard Government introduced a number of family-friendly policies, including the introduction of the Baby Bonus, substantial increases in the rates of family benefits, the provision of extra childcare places, the introduction of the childcare tax rebate and the encouragement of flexible family-friendly work practices.
The Howard Government helped women to better prepare for their retirement, including through the introduction of the Superannuation Co-contribution.
The Liberal Party is committed to an Australia where women are full and active participants in all spheres of public and private life. At the end of the Howard Government, around one-third of Government Board positions were occupied by women.
Between 2013 and 2022, the Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison Governments enhanced the economic empowerment and safety of Australian women.
Between 2013 and 2022, around 60% of the 1.9 million jobs created went to women, and female workforce participation increased from 58.7% in 2013 to 62.2% in 2022. The gender pay gap was also reduced from 17.4% under Labor to 13.8% in 2022.
Over $3.5 billion was invested in women’s safety between 2013 and 2022, focusing on prevention, early intervention, response and recovery.
Federal Women’s Committee
The Federal Women’s Committee (FWC) was established at the inaugural meeting of the Liberal Party Federal Council in August 1945. The FWC was incorporated in the Party Constitution as an official component of the Party in October 1946, and has had representation on the Party’s Federal Executive since that time.
The voting membership of the FWC comprises the Chairman of each State and ACT women’s section, the female Federal Vice-President of the Party and the President and Immediate Past President of the FWC. Observer members include the Party’s Federal President, Immediate Past President and the Federal Minister for Women.
Each State and Territory Division of the Liberal Party has a women’s section, with constituted powers and representation at senior Party levels. The sections have been influential over the years and instrumental in the development of many of the Party’s major initiatives for women at Federal, State and Territory levels.
As the peak body representing women in the Liberal Party, the FWC has been active in promoting women for elected office, advocating policy, advising on a wide range of issues, assisting in election campaigns and performing a vital role in the enduring success of the Liberal Party. Much of the FWC’s efforts are unsung but they are crucial to the development of a truly representative nationwide party organisation.
For more information on joining the Liberal Party, click here.
Margaret Guilfoyle Network
The Margaret Guilfoyle Network was established in 2023 as a strategic empowerment network for Liberal women.
The Margaret Guilfoyle Network brings together like-minded women from around Australia to offer them a unique professional network to learn, engage and connect.
For more information about the Margaret Guilfoyle Network, click here.
The 2018 report Liberal Women: A Proud History of Firsts can be found here.
To donate to the Enid Lyons Fighting Fund to support female candidates, click here.