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Bert van Manen

Member for Forde
Bert van Manen

About Bert

Bert was born and raised in Waterford and calls Cornubia home with his wife Judi, and sons Zac and Josh.

Bert van Manen was first elected by the people of Forde in the 2010 federal election and was appointed the position of Government Whip in August 2016.

As the Member for Forde, Bert is focused on Fixing the M1. He believes commuters are spending far too much time sitting in traffic, and is committed to seeing people in his electorate get home faster and safer.

Elected as the Member for Forde in 2010, Bert has achieved a lot for the region and provided more than $1 billion in funding to address safety and congestion issues facing commuters on the M1. Bert has delivered $215 million for the Pacific Motorway upgrade at the M1-Gateway Motorway merge (southbound), he played an instrumental role in securing funding for Exit 54 upgrade at Upper Coomera as well as secured vital funding for Gateway to Loganlea road, with construction commencing 2020-2021.

However, work is not finished yet. His next commitment is to fixing exits 41, 45, and 49 and upgrading the Mt Lindsay Highway.

Prior to entering federal parliament, Bert worked for one of the major banks for 15 years. Eventually, his passion for improving the future financial outcomes of his clients inspired him to start his own business with his wife Judi. Owning and operating a small business provided him with a unique understanding of the challenges small to medium businesses face.

He was born and raised in Waterford and lives in Cornubia, on the east-side of his electorate of Forde with his wife Judi, and sons Zac and Josh.

Bert van Manen has known the Forde community for his entire life.

Bert was first elected to Parliament as the Federal Member for Forde in 2010.

Raised and schooled in his electorate, Bert had a 30-year career in banking and financial services, prior to entering politics.

His focus continues to be on delivering the key infrastructure needs for the electorate, as well as providing support for local sporting and community organisations.

Bert was appointed to the position of Government Whip in August 2016 and Chief Government Whip in July 2019.

Bert is currently serving as the Chief Opposition Whip, following his appointment in May 2022.

It is Bert’s greatest honour to represent the community in which he grew up. He continues to be a strong voice for the interests of the people of Forde.

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