A life-long resident of the Sutherland Shire, Jenny lives in Gymea Bay. Raising her twin teenage boys with husband her Michael, Jenny understands the day-to-day pressures local families face.
Jenny is passionate about making our community an even better place to live. From working for Georges River Council through to her volunteer work, including as President of the Gymea Bay P&C, Jenny has a proven track record of working for our local community to support local residents and families.
And as a senior legal executive in the private sector and having run her own small business locally, Jenny knows the importance of a strong economy to help families and seniors, create opportunities and support small businesses to grow and create jobs.
Jenny will work to reduce cost of living pressures, improve local roads and transport, and ensure the Shire has access to world class hospitals and healthcare.
As part of the Liberal Team, Jenny will be a voice for our community and work to deliver a strong economy and a stronger future.